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The AI Data Engine for Decision Intelligence

Maximize Data Investments and Drive ROI across Business Data Platforms

Snowfire Intelligence Center

Bring us your data

We integrate with a variety of applications depending on what your needs are

Fuse Data and BuildIntelligence Blazingly Fast

Enterprise Data Intelligence onGrowth, Margin, and Retention

AI Enabled Business Intelligence



Cutting edge tech to command complex metrics.

Snowfire produces predictive analytics, customer lifetime value, sentiment analysis, customer churn prediction, financial recommendations, anomaly detection, fraud detection, and employee performance analytics utilizing artificial intelligence and business intelligence algorithms. We'll help you gain insights and make informed decisions that enhance your business operations. Experience the power of AI with our expert service.

Business Intel, AI Visualized



Revolutionizing data intelligence at scale.

Snowfire empowers executives to make informed decisions quickly and easily. We specialize in data visualization services that transform raw data into intuitive graphs, charts, and dashboards, enabling faster and more informed decision-making. With our advanced BI, AI, and Data Intelligence services, we help businesses to understand their data and drive positive ROI.

Correlate, Map, Model Data



Deliver comprehensive data mapping.

Snowfire delivers a platform that accelerates time to value of both building and delivering business intelligence. We provide the focus of data correlation, mapping, and turn that into insights to  identifying inefficiencies, waste, or opportunities for optimization that supports the bottom line. This provides executives with a clear understanding of the data insights to command decisions.

Data, AI Does Not Care How Big It Is



Successful data modeling for the AI economy.

Snowfire supports the managing and processing of massive data sets generated by SaaS applications - which AI is trained on. Our cutting-edge platform helps manage and process large volumes of data generated by enterprise SaaS applications, helping realize data investments. Our data processing handles continuous streams of data efficiently which supports the development of AI intelligence at scale and delivers the key metrics and KPI's to make data-driven decisions for business executives.

Enterprise Grade AI, Generative BI



Get ahead of the competition with AI for BI. 

Snowfire is the brain of your business and our platform contains two primary processing centers. The Data Fusion AI for Correlation and the Generative BI for Intelligence. We correlate vast amounts of data from across all of your applications, providing a complete and accurate view of your enterprise. We do this at a fraction of the cost. Snowfire makes it easy to collect, correlate, and command the data, providing actionable intelligence for informed decision-making at scale. 

CEO = Boardroom Intelligence

Revenue Growth Rate
Market Share, Retention Rates
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Employee Engagement/Retention
Productivity Metrics
Innovation Metrics
Time to Market
Brand Health and Recognition

CFO = Financial Intelligence

Revenue Growth Rate
Profit Margin
Operating Cash Flow
Net Income
Return on Investment (ROI)
Debt-to-Equity Ratio
Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC)
Accounts Receivable Turnover
Return on Assets (ROA)
Budget Variance

COO = Operations Intelligence

Current Accounts Receivable

Current Accounts Payable

Operating Cash Flow (OCF)

Operations Quick Ratio (Acid Test)

Gross Operating Profit Margin

Total Cycle Time/Throughput

Training Investment/Employee 

Data Processing Efficiency

Customer Data Acquisition
Data-driven Decision Impacts

CPO = Product/Services Intelligence

User Engagement Metrics (DAU)
Conversion/Trial Rates
Customer Churn Rates
Feature Adoption Rates
Product Performance Metrics
Feedback/Satisfaction Scores
Feature Time to Market KPI's
Product Experience Metrics
Conversion Insights/Rates
Differentiation Metrics

CHRO = Hiring/Personnel Intelligence

Employee Turnover Rate
Employee Engagement Score
DEI Metrics, Ratios/Scores
Recruitment Time/Cost-per-Hire
Training/Development Metrics
Performance Attainment Metrics
Engagement Absenteeism Rate
Employee Satisfaction Metrics
Compensation/Benefits Metrics
HR Operational Efficiency Metrics

CRO = Sales/Revenue Intelligence

Revenue Growth Rate
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
Sales Pipeline Velocity
Win Rate (Conversion Rate)
Average Deal Size, Time to Close
Sales Forecast Accuracy
Customer Churn Rate
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Performance, Quota, Attach %

CTO = Data/Technology Intelligence

System Up-time and Availability
Technology Innovation Rate
Infrastructure Cost per User
Development Velocity
Time to Market Features
Tech Customer Satisfaction
Technology Adoption Rate
R&D Investment ROI
Software Development Efficiency
Scalability of Infrastructure

CIO = Data/Information Intelligence

IT Budget Variance
Application Downtime
IT Infrastructure Utilization Rate
Software License Compliance
IT Project Delivery Time
Employee Satisfaction wIT
IT Service Desk Resolution Time
IT Service Availability
Service Level Compliance
IT Investment ROI

CSO/CISO = Data/Security Intelligence

Number of Security Incidents
Ave Time to Patch Vulns
Compliance Adherence Rate
Security Awareness Metrics
Phishing Simulation Success Rate
Threat Intelligence Coverage
Security Posture Score
Mean Time to Detect Incidents
Mean Time to Respond Incidents
Third-party Security Risk Score

Built for Intelligent Businessesand Data-Driven Executives

Maximize Data Investments usingthe Snowfire Large Metric Model

Snowfire Large Metric Maturity Model

Snowfire is Hiring AI Engineering, Product, and Go to Market Pros 🚀

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